VHK - Vágtázó Halottkémek - 2010-02-05 Durer Garden,Budapest
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- Hozzászólások: 70
- Csatlakozott: 2012.09.09. 19:36
- Tartózkodási hely: Kecskemét
- MetClub regisztráció éve: 2009
VHK - Vágtázó Halottkémek - 2010-02-05 Durer Garden,Budapest
Galloping Coroners - VHK (Vágtázó Halottkémek)
Live at Dürer Garden 2010.02.05.
DVD + menü
1. Intro
2. Megment az égi táj - Heavenly Landscape Saves
3. Ki vele az Istenért - Get it out, for God's sake!
4. Indulok - I'm Going to do It!
5. Mi történt - What happened?
6. Távoli világok - Music of distant worlds
7. Tündérlány - Fairy Girl
8. Rejtelmes kert - Mysterious Garden
9. Élö világegyetem - Living Universe
10. Örökkévalóság - Eternity
11. Fénysuhamlás - Gliding Light
12. Forgószél - Whirlwind!
13. Ahol nincs Föld - Where There's No Earth
14. Holdvilág - Moonlight
15. Hunok csatája - Battle of the Huns
16. Nincs más megoldás - There is not other solution
17. Aláírhatatlan történelem - Unsignable history
18. Botrányos probléma - Scandalous problem
Total Running Time: 02:23:11
Sound mastering, video rendering, audio sync & DVD authoring by Richard & Ariana Studio
"The Coroners' music is basic and elemental and filled with obsessive, galvanizing passion." The New York Times
The one and only Central European music group, which has made an international career, the favorite band of Iggy Pop and Henry Rollins: The Galloping Coroners (Die Rasende Leichenbeschauer, Vagtazo Halottkemek). We made a documentary about their music and life, since the beginnings, from 1975.
The scandalous and 'banned for more than 11 years' band is not only the prominent of those Central European bands, which revolted against the communist system, but also a theater, which gained the attention of the audience with it's unique body-art performances.
Through the story of the favorite underground band of the Hungarian and international media, we can see the aesthetic preferences of the late Central European socialist system and the altering system, which followed it.
Sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DfdNpb4KeM
Galloping Coroners movie coming soon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA4jr9nJKOg
(Cast: Jello Biafra, Dietmar Lupfer, etc...)
"...The authorities in an afraid from the consequences interrupted the first eight concerts. The band were banished for eleven years, nevertheless even at that time it continuously found spontaneous occasions to act by chance. Sometimes the group was pushed to the stage by the audience of an other group, other times playing by pseudonyms, at other occasions as guest musicians of friendly bands and without announcing themselves as a band at their the concert. Meantime they won the festival of the experimental film studio in 1981. The video of this event was presented many times in the West German TV. Gábor Bódy, the internationally famous and youngly died film-director made his film “Dog’s Night Song” with them, including the lead howler Attila Grandpierre in one of the featuring roles. VHK plays from 1984 regularly in the West. In 1986, when Amsterdam was the “ cultural capital of Europe” , the Dutch Queen, Beatrix personally intervened at the Hungarian authorities in order to allow the guest performance of the band. A similar event happened in 1987 when Fred Sinowatz, the Austrian chancellor had to interact with the Hungarian Ministry of Culture. They played in the “ Mythen, Monstren and Mutationen” festival in Berlin, Tempodrom, 1988, together with La Fura dels Baus, where VHK was the best surprise (Zitty Berlin, 1988). Einstürzende Neubauten, Henry Rollins, Jello Biafra and Iggy Pop regarded VHK as one of the most important bands. VHK hosted Rollins Band in Hungary where Rollins were shocked on the overwhelming effect of VHK on the audience. Rollins Band invited VHK for a tour in England in 1989. In 1992, our CD "Hammering on the Gates of Nothingness" reached the 2nd position on the Top-100 list of the year of a Belgian Radio. Many of our CDs were and are on airplay in US college radios. ..."
Teljes név : E:\VHK-DURER\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB
Formátum : MPEG-PS
Fájlméret : 977 MiB
Időtartam : 19 perc
Teljes adatsebesség : változó
Teljes adatsebesség : 6 907 Kbps
Sáv száma : 224 (0xE0)
Formátum : MPEG Video
Formátum változat : Version 2
Formátum profil : Main@Main
Formátum beállítások, BVOP : igen
Formátum beállítások, mátrix : alapérték
Format_Settings_GOP : M=3, N=12
Időtartam : 19 perc
Adatsebesség mód : változó
Adatsebesség : 6 450 Kbps
Legnagyobb adatsebesség : 7 000 Kbps
Szélesség : 720 képpont
Magasság : 576 képpont
Képarány : 4:3
Képkockasebesség : 25,000 fps
Szabvány : PAL
ColorSpace : YUV
ChromaSubsampling : 4:2:0
BitDepth/String : 8 bit
Sorváltás típusa : váltottsoros
Sorváltási sorrend : alsó mezővel kezdődő
Bit/(képpont*képkocka) : 0.622
Adatfolyam mérete : 912 MiB (93%)
colour_primaries : BT.601 PAL
transfer_characteristics : BT.470 System B, BT.470 System G
matrix_coefficients : BT.601
Sáv száma : 189 (0xBD)-128 (0x80)
Formátum : AC-3
Formátum/adatok : Audio Coding 3
Format_Settings_ModeExtension : CM (complete main)
Formátum beállítások, Endianness : Big
Keverési mód : DVD-Video
Időtartam : 19 perc
Adatsebesség mód : állandó
Adatsebesség : 320 Kbps
Csatornák száma : 2 csatorna
Csatorna kiosztás : Front: L R
Mintavételezési gyakoriság : 48,0 KHz
BitDepth/String : 16 bit
Adatfolyam mérete : 45,2 MiB (5%)
http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-deta ... ?id=424986
Live at Dürer Garden 2010.02.05.
DVD + menü
1. Intro
2. Megment az égi táj - Heavenly Landscape Saves
3. Ki vele az Istenért - Get it out, for God's sake!
4. Indulok - I'm Going to do It!
5. Mi történt - What happened?
6. Távoli világok - Music of distant worlds
7. Tündérlány - Fairy Girl
8. Rejtelmes kert - Mysterious Garden
9. Élö világegyetem - Living Universe
10. Örökkévalóság - Eternity
11. Fénysuhamlás - Gliding Light
12. Forgószél - Whirlwind!
13. Ahol nincs Föld - Where There's No Earth
14. Holdvilág - Moonlight
15. Hunok csatája - Battle of the Huns
16. Nincs más megoldás - There is not other solution
17. Aláírhatatlan történelem - Unsignable history
18. Botrányos probléma - Scandalous problem
Total Running Time: 02:23:11
Sound mastering, video rendering, audio sync & DVD authoring by Richard & Ariana Studio
"The Coroners' music is basic and elemental and filled with obsessive, galvanizing passion." The New York Times
The one and only Central European music group, which has made an international career, the favorite band of Iggy Pop and Henry Rollins: The Galloping Coroners (Die Rasende Leichenbeschauer, Vagtazo Halottkemek). We made a documentary about their music and life, since the beginnings, from 1975.
The scandalous and 'banned for more than 11 years' band is not only the prominent of those Central European bands, which revolted against the communist system, but also a theater, which gained the attention of the audience with it's unique body-art performances.
Through the story of the favorite underground band of the Hungarian and international media, we can see the aesthetic preferences of the late Central European socialist system and the altering system, which followed it.
Sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DfdNpb4KeM
Galloping Coroners movie coming soon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA4jr9nJKOg
(Cast: Jello Biafra, Dietmar Lupfer, etc...)
"...The authorities in an afraid from the consequences interrupted the first eight concerts. The band were banished for eleven years, nevertheless even at that time it continuously found spontaneous occasions to act by chance. Sometimes the group was pushed to the stage by the audience of an other group, other times playing by pseudonyms, at other occasions as guest musicians of friendly bands and without announcing themselves as a band at their the concert. Meantime they won the festival of the experimental film studio in 1981. The video of this event was presented many times in the West German TV. Gábor Bódy, the internationally famous and youngly died film-director made his film “Dog’s Night Song” with them, including the lead howler Attila Grandpierre in one of the featuring roles. VHK plays from 1984 regularly in the West. In 1986, when Amsterdam was the “ cultural capital of Europe” , the Dutch Queen, Beatrix personally intervened at the Hungarian authorities in order to allow the guest performance of the band. A similar event happened in 1987 when Fred Sinowatz, the Austrian chancellor had to interact with the Hungarian Ministry of Culture. They played in the “ Mythen, Monstren and Mutationen” festival in Berlin, Tempodrom, 1988, together with La Fura dels Baus, where VHK was the best surprise (Zitty Berlin, 1988). Einstürzende Neubauten, Henry Rollins, Jello Biafra and Iggy Pop regarded VHK as one of the most important bands. VHK hosted Rollins Band in Hungary where Rollins were shocked on the overwhelming effect of VHK on the audience. Rollins Band invited VHK for a tour in England in 1989. In 1992, our CD "Hammering on the Gates of Nothingness" reached the 2nd position on the Top-100 list of the year of a Belgian Radio. Many of our CDs were and are on airplay in US college radios. ..."
Teljes név : E:\VHK-DURER\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB
Formátum : MPEG-PS
Fájlméret : 977 MiB
Időtartam : 19 perc
Teljes adatsebesség : változó
Teljes adatsebesség : 6 907 Kbps
Sáv száma : 224 (0xE0)
Formátum : MPEG Video
Formátum változat : Version 2
Formátum profil : Main@Main
Formátum beállítások, BVOP : igen
Formátum beállítások, mátrix : alapérték
Format_Settings_GOP : M=3, N=12
Időtartam : 19 perc
Adatsebesség mód : változó
Adatsebesség : 6 450 Kbps
Legnagyobb adatsebesség : 7 000 Kbps
Szélesség : 720 képpont
Magasság : 576 képpont
Képarány : 4:3
Képkockasebesség : 25,000 fps
Szabvány : PAL
ColorSpace : YUV
ChromaSubsampling : 4:2:0
BitDepth/String : 8 bit
Sorváltás típusa : váltottsoros
Sorváltási sorrend : alsó mezővel kezdődő
Bit/(képpont*képkocka) : 0.622
Adatfolyam mérete : 912 MiB (93%)
colour_primaries : BT.601 PAL
transfer_characteristics : BT.470 System B, BT.470 System G
matrix_coefficients : BT.601
Sáv száma : 189 (0xBD)-128 (0x80)
Formátum : AC-3
Formátum/adatok : Audio Coding 3
Format_Settings_ModeExtension : CM (complete main)
Formátum beállítások, Endianness : Big
Keverési mód : DVD-Video
Időtartam : 19 perc
Adatsebesség mód : állandó
Adatsebesség : 320 Kbps
Csatornák száma : 2 csatorna
Csatorna kiosztás : Front: L R
Mintavételezési gyakoriság : 48,0 KHz
BitDepth/String : 16 bit
Adatfolyam mérete : 45,2 MiB (5%)
http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-deta ... ?id=424986
"Music is my therapy and I need to do it" (James)
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